We prepare expert opinions and reports, conduct studies, and provide consulting services in respect of proceedings taken in accordance with Act No 359/2007 Coll. and Directive 2004/35/EC on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage.
Price list
Our prices for the above services are included in our bespoke price offers. The final price will therefore depend on the range and complexity of services provided and other costs.
RNDr. Anna Patschová, PhD.
Tel.: +421 2 59343 474
E-mail: anna.patschova@vuvh.sk

Our Institute prepares expert opinions in accordance with Section 16a(3) of Act No 364/2004 Coll. (Water Act), including an assessment of the applicability of Article 4.7 of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). Our experts assess how the implementation of new development projects, which are expected to induce changes in the physical (hydromorphological) characteristics of surface-water bodies or changes in the level of groundwater, may affect the status of water bodies in relation to the fulfilment of environmental objectives. Our Institute keeps a register of expert opinions for archiving purposes.
Authorisation granted to VÚVH by the Ministry of the Environment for preparing expert opinions in accordance with Section 16a (3) and (5) of the Water Act.
Price list
For services (i.e. for assessing the applicability of Article 4.7 of the WFD /primary assessment/ and for assessing the applicability of the same Article + for preparing an expert opinion), we charge: EUR 50.40, including VAT/1 hour; i.e. EUR 42.00, excluding VAT + EUR 8.40 VAT (20%). The total price for services depends on the number of hours worked. The price list is effective from 1 May 2021.
E-mail: alias@vuvh.sk

As an institution authorised in accordance with Act No 188/2003 Coll. on the application of sewage sludge and bottom sediments to agricultural or forest soil, amending Act No 223/2001 Coll. on waste, amending certain laws, we assess projects aimed at the utilisation of sewage sludge and bottom sediments in agriculture or forestry. Sewage sludge or bottom sediments can only be applied to agricultural or forest soil after a written agreement between the producer of sewage sludge or bottom sediments and the land user.
An integral part of that agreement is a project for the application of sewage sludge or bottom sediments to agricultural or forest soil, which will be drawn up by the producer of sewage sludge or bottom sediments (according to the template in Annex 8 of Act No 188/2003 Coll.). Such project is approved on request by the Water Research Institute and by other competent institutions.

Price list
The basic price for this service is EUR 350, excluding VAT. The final price will be set according to the range and complexity of the service provided.
Ing. Katarína Kozáková
Ing. Katarína Kozáková
Tel.: +421 2 59 343 496
E-mail: katarina.kozakova@vuvh.sk

As an important source of energy, biogas favourably influences the energy balance and operating costs of sewage treatment plants. The potential use of biogas depends on its composition.
We analyse biogas samples taken from municipal sewage treatment plants using a GA5000 instrument. The following components are determined: CH4 (%), CO2 (%), O2 (%), H2 (ppm) and H2S (ppm).
Price list
For biogas analysis, we charge EUR 85/sample, excluding VAT. The customer is responsibility for taking and transporting biogas samples.
Ing. Katarína Kozáková
Tel.: +421 2 59 343 496
E-mail: katarina.kozakova@vuvh.sk